Have you Tried a Flagel: aka a flat bagel?

Looking to level up (or flatten in this case!) your breakfast game? Look no further than flattened bagels. AKA the flagel.

These trendy treats are taking the breakfast world by storm, offering a unique twist on the classic bagel experience.

Flattened bagels are not only visually appealing with their smooth and uniform shape, but they also provide a delightful texture and flavor that will leave you craving more. By compressing the dough and gently baking it, flattened bagels achieve a perfect balance of chewiness and softness that is truly irresistible.

Not only that, but their flattened shape also opens up a world of possibilities for creative toppings and fillings.

From savory options like cream cheese and smoked salmon to sweet combinations like Nutella and bananas, the versatility of flattened bagels knows no bounds.

So, if you’re ready to elevate your breakfast routine, give flattened bagels a try โ€“ you won’t be disappointed.

So what is the flat bagel name and have you tried a flagel? The flagel – not to be misspelled as “fagle” has given the bagel a serious run for its money.

Have you Tried a Flagel?

Some context: first there was the cronut: a hybrid of a donut and a croissant.

People came far and wide to try cronuts at the trendiest places in New York City. Now there is another twist on your average breakfast item and itโ€™s called the flagel: a flattened bagel.

The Daily News, hails the flagel as much more fun to say than “bagel” and in general the writer views it as an upgrade to the bagel. However, Iโ€™m not so convinced.

I started to see this type of new flat bagel pop up at bagel shops in NYC and I quickly realized it was exactly what it was described as: a flattened bagel. Same old bagel; different shape.

Still intrigued, I had to try one myself and was very much disappointed. I felt the flagel fell flat (pun intended!).

I do appreciate that it has some extra crispiness to it but aside from that it was dull and my most important question still goes unanswered: does the flagel have less carb content? Or is it the same amount of food as a regular bagel just flattened?

I typically ask for a regular bagel scooped out in order to eat less carbs while still enjoying the best part of the bagel: the crunchy toppings. So does the flagel solve that problem? Can I stop scooping out my bagels and just order flagels? I’m guessing not.

From my research I can say that the flattened bagel is just a bagel that has the same ingredients as a bagel but is flattened before being boiled – so I think it probably has the same amount of carb content.

I think I will stick to my scooped out bagels – like these delicious ones below.

Can I call the the “Scagels?”

So what do you think: a bagel versus a flagel?


Bagel or Flagel?

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