The Ultimate Style Guide: What to Wear in London

This is the ultimate style guide: what to wear in London! It’s notoriously cold there but you can still get away with some cute outfits likes a blush LC Lauren Conrad top by Kohl’s and blush stilettos to match!

I first wrote this post in 2015 after a visit to London — not my first time there but I hadn’t been in quite awhile.  Since the Royal Wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is happening tomorrow (May 19th) it only seems fitting to revisit my posts on one of my favorite cities in Europe

I have an insatiable appetite for anything royal and in particular the British royals — something my mother lovingly passed on to me.  So it’s an understatement for me to say that I am excited for the wedding (and I’m even getting up at 3am to watch all the coverage live!).

Below I took some beautiful photos at the Marriot London Hotel just across from Big Ben.  Other post on London can be read here and here!

Marriot London
Marriot London
Lauren Conrad for Kohl's blouse
Marriot London
Lauren Conrad blouse Kohls LC Lauren Conrad
Marriot London
royal wedding
Marriot London
Marriot London
royal wedding
royal wedding

Marriott London Entrance

What to Wear in London in September and October:

My last London post–for a little while–is set in the foreground of this spectacular castle, err, I mean hotel, a Marriott London Hotel, that is!  Because in London: hotels look like palaces, as I mentioned in my last London post.  At first glance one would think this is a magnificent castle where Queen Elizabeth II spends her time south of the Thames, but lo and behold it’s just what the Brits call a hotel–you know that place where commoners can rent rooms to sleep for the night?! Standard right?  Well, the Marriott Hotel at the Westminster Palace location is anything but standard.  It’s grandiose, luxurious, and majestic.

So being that London’s hotels look like magnificent palaces it provided a beautiful backdrop for my style shots and even a cup of tea!  For my look, I paired another LC Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s top with a Forever 21 skirt and Zara stilettos (yep—super affordable look!).

Between the regal feeling of the Marriott Hotel and the “catch me if you can” look on my face, I feel like I’m starring in my own little perfume commercial here—where the woman is mysteriously running down an alleyway or grand corridor from some kind of peril: think Charlize Theron in Dior.  I’m just waiting for that perfume deal from L’Oréal. ; )

I hope you enjoyed my London shots!  I had the best time shooting them and the back drops absolutely rejuvenated me.  Until next time Londontown!

Style Shots by Mark Pengelly.

Shop my Outfits for London: