The Most Interesting Takeaways from the Harry and Meghan Oprah Interview
The much anticipated Harry and Meghan Oprah interview aired on CBS last night and it was a shocking tell all. The clips that were released in anticipation of the show, didn’t even scratch the surface of the riveting topics discussed. I was beside myself at some of the candid and transparent remarks made by first Meghan and then Harry. Harry’s remarks were probably the most shocking of all.
Wow. Just wow. My head has been swirling since 8pm PST last night (March 7th, 2021). I have a royal hangover. Didn’t know that was possible but I have it.

Before I dive into the biggest bombshells of the Harry and Meghan Oprah interview, I’ll give a little background about my interest in the royals, if you’re new here.
I have taken an active interest in the royals from a young age: something my mom certainly shared with me. She herself, is from Spain — they also have a royal family: with their own drama and scandal I might add! In any case, European culture and monarchies have always been of interest to her. Of course when Princess Diana, came on the scene, my mom naturally became a fan of hers and that’s when I really took notice of the royals and began to take in information about them.
In more recent decades: I have read books about William and Harry, imbibed blogs, books (see my review of Finding Freedom here), news articles, movies, documentaries and more about the two and how their lives have evolved.
First: Prince William’s life with Kate Middleton and then Prince Harry’s romances with Chelsea Davy, Cressida Bonas and eventually Meghan Markle.
Because I take such an active interest in the doings of the royal family — the ins and outs of how “The Firm” works: I feel very confident to speak about the Harry and Meghan Oprah interview. It honestly feels like a culmination of the last five years — since Harry and Meghan started dating. This is the first time the world has really even heard Meghan talk this much, Harry too.
This felt bigger than Princess Diana’s interview in 1995 where she famously threw Charles under the bus and actual verbalized his relationship with Camilla. That was a turning point for Diana within the royal family: the Queen finally granted her and Charles a divorce and she effectively became persona non grata to them. Sadly, history seems to already be repeating itself with Harry and Meghan — only time will tell.
6 Bombshells from the Harry and Meghan Oprah Interview
Meghan Didn’t know Anything About the Royals
This is a trope that Meghan has said before. When she and Harry were engaged, they had their formal interview and she said she didn’t know anything about him. Basically claiming she went into it in total naivety: not asking a single thing about the man she was going to go on a date with. So anyone who has ever dated in this world knows that there is always a questioning to your friend or research done: Who is this person, What do they do? What are they like? And the list goes on. I never believed this idea that she didn’t know who he was (you can see that I wrote about that in my review of Finding Freedom).
In this interview she is continuing this story but takes it a step further to say she never googled him (umm, ok!) and that she knew nothing about the royals because, gasp, she’s American! You would think that the royals live in a country that doesn’t speak English and it’s so foreign that America must not have been the country that broke away from England (specifically because of the monarchy). I mean, did this girl learn American history? Surely, she’s must have learned something from watching Hamilton (or does she not know what that is either?).
Oh and lest we forget: she lived in Canada, a Commonwealth country. The Queen is on their money there! Maybe they took away her passport, keys, wallet and ID there too. Must be a Commonwealth thing.
Quite frankly: to say that Americans don’t know anything about the royal family is rude. So because you’re American you don’t learn or expand your mind beyond American society and culture? It’s honestly, such a lame defense. Plus what about that picture of her and her friend in front of Buckingham Palace when she’s a teenager — she just posed in front of it but didn’t wonder or ask who lives there or what the significance of this place is? Oprah should have pressed her harder on this. Even Diana, when she was dating the Pakistani doctor: Hasnat Khan, took an active interest in getting to know his culture.
Kate v Meghan
This was a story that came out in 2018 a couple of months before Megan and Harry’s wedding — it has always been reported that there was an incident between Megan and Kate that was about the flower girl’s dresses (as Princess Charlotte was one). The actual details of what happened were never reported but it was always known that Megan had made Kate cry, it was that much of a heated exchange. Now, two years later: Megan is literally saying it’s the other way around. This is new. Megan did admit that the issue was revolving around the dresses but that it was Megan who was hurt and was left in tears. This has become a he said, she said situation.
Here’s what I think: perhaps there was something said by Kate that upset Meghan. Meghan cried as she said in the interview “it made her sad.” However, I don’t think Kate was in her face and literally made Meghan cry in that very moment. I do also believe that Kate was likely upset as well and overall it was just an emotionally charged situation. When the tabloids reported the story it seems they could have purposefully left out parts to make Kate look like the victim, when perhaps both ladies were. However, does this mean Kate should tell the tabloids to reverse the story — Kate likely viewed it as idle gossip.
Meghan was Suicidal
This one brought tears to my eyes: loneliness in today’s world is so real and worse than ever. You can have everything in the world and still feel alone or helpless. That being said, Meghan claims she was denied help — even though Harry, Meghan, William and Kate all started a foundation called “Heads Together” that is aimed at eliminating the stigma of mental health. Brits are known for their “stiff upper lip” and to just “get on with it” and they wanted this charity to be a way to show how archaic that mind frame is. It’s hard to believe that she couldn’t have gotten help with mental health being such a large part of their ethos and with resources likely available.
She also says that she couldn’t even go out with her friends to have lunch but she did have a very prominent baby shower in New York City, with several high profile attendees. So that doesn’t really add up.
Archie’s Race and Title
Once of the most shocking allegations made by Meghan was that there were “conversations” around how dark Archie’s skin tone would be. Oprah then paraphrased: that if Archie were a darker skin tone, that could affect his royal title. Meghan corroborated that that was a fair assumption. In other words: he may not be given a title based on how dark his skin would be.
However, later when Harry entered the interview: Oprah probed Harry on the subject and while he remained steadfast that he would not name names, he did say that the conversations were before they were married and were something like “what will the kids look like.” Which is a very different kind of conversation than the one Meghan had alluded to earlier in the interview.
UPDATE: On march 11th, 2021, Prince William replied to a reporter when asked if the royal family is racist. He said “We are very much not a racist family.”
Oprah did reveal the next day, on CBS with Gayle King, that Harry told her that it was neither the Queen nor Prince Philip who were a part of those conversations.
Upon doing some research I found out that royal titles are not automatics that are bestowed upon grandchildren or great-grandchildren of the Queen (unless you are directly in line for the throne like Prince William and Prince George). For instance: Zara Tindall and Peter Phillips: Princess Anne’s children do not have royal titles either.
It was rather ambiguous who made the decision that Archie wouldn’t have a royal title: but Megan is hinting that it was the family that didn’t permit it, not her. (One of the “falsehoods” she believes is being perpetuated is that it was her that didn’t want a royal title for her son.).
Meghan is also essentially indicating that Archie was not given a title (which she stated in the interview “is different from what’s normally done”) because of his race. As I mentioned, upon doing some research: this is categorically false. Archie was likely not given a title because he is not directly in line to the throne. This is troubling that Oprah didn’t do any research or have knowledge on this — many people will believe Meghan at face value when it’s very much not the case.
Charles, William and Harry’s Relationship is Strained
Harry was extremely candid when speaking of the two men he is closest to in his life. Prince Charles, his father and Prince William, his brother. When he mentioned that his father stopped taking his calls back in March of 2020, that told it all. All the press that Harry was not getting along with his family must have been true. Charles has had his own share of issues and pain. (Needing to marry someone suitable to be a future queen, not being able to freely live and marry whomever he wanted.) He, like the Queen have a duty to their country. For the Queen there is quite literally nothing more important. Country above all else. That is her motto. Charles had no choice but to take on that role eventually as well. Harry was hoping that he could tap into some of his father’s experiences and help him see how he was feeling but unfortunately Charles is at a place now that he is fully ingrained in the system and is a part of something bigger than himself: as are William and Kate.
That’s not to say that there might have been a better way to handle the entire situation and even to Harry’s own admission — when Meghan was first introduced, she was really welcomed with open arms. However, in this family: duty and protocol always takes precedence.
UPDATE: On March 16th, 2021 it was reported by Gayle King (filling in for Oprah here?) that Harry has spoken to William and Charles however the conversation was not “productive.”
The Queen
Harry has nothing but the utmost respect for the Queen — which was heartwarming to hear. Even though she ultimately made the decision they could not maintain a royal life nor royal duties while living abroad (they were stripped of their royal patronages and Harry’s military honors). Harry said to Oprah he unequivocally respects the Queen’s decision.
The Press and the Royals
As someone who follows the royals quite closely and has read enough about them: it is not news to me that the press and the royals have a mutually beneficial relationship, if not an agreement. Press is a major cog in the royal wheel. (Just as you might say it is for a well known actor in Hollywood.) Press helps the royals relay messages: personal and professional and they aid each other in delivering information to the British people. Have you ever noticed that the big news announcements come on Mondays? Like a pregnancy announcement, or engagement — that’s all part of their agreement. Now that’s the more formal kind of press, the seedy underbelly is less talked about and can be salacious. Princess Diana is famous for having relationships with the press to get her message across to the royal family.
However, it is sad to know that the relationship is so leveraged that as Harry puts it: his family would be fearful to push back on untrue stories for fear of bad press. Where do you draw the line? Also: how untrue are all the stories?
William and Harry did release a joint statement back when Meghan and Harry were just dating and they completely denounced the racism that was going on in the press. William and Kate have sued the press for invading privacy, so I do think that some of the claims made by Harry and Meghan were perhaps exaggerated and that there have been times when his brother has pushed back on the press. I think both sides do need to be more accountable. It’s well known that the royals, rarely comment on tabloids stories but perhaps the time is now to start: for all of them.
In conclusion:
There were so many other details and if you have an interest, I encourage you to watch the entire interview, it’s emotional, explosive, sad, and even happy at times.
It does make you wonder, in the digital world: where more people than ever can state their opinions on a large platform and cancel culture being a huge part of society at the moment: can the royals as an institution survive this? Will Prince Charles be King (yes) but can he be a popular and relevant King (my guess is: no). Everything with Diana already made him extremely unlikable and this is only going to make it worse.
Is it their time to finally provide answers to this interview and perhaps others from the past. I believe they should. Perhaps more transparency is just what is needed in their institution.
Harry said he was worried about history repeating itself but he must not have realized by him leaving the royal family and speaking to Oprah in this high profile interview that it already has.
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