The Ultimate Review of Tropical Clothing Brand Farm Rio
Unpopular opinion: I’m not a huge fan of the brand Farm Rio!
Often I review brands I tend to shop and wear a lot in blog posts called: “Style Blogger’s Review,” like Self Portrait and Staud – both of which have become favorites of mine over the years!
So I thought I would review a brand that has become extremely popular and I did shop and try on some of their pieces but unfortunately I don’t really care for: Farm Rio.
This brand is often pushed by bloggers and influencers as a great dress brand and perfect for summer (and the prices don’t necessarily break the bank).

However, once I finally tried a few of Farm Rio’s dresses and other pieces, I can definitively say I don’t like the way the styles fit.
It’s really a shame because I do love the colorful prints and the pieces often look good on the models but I haven’t been able to get them to translate into wearable pieces for me.
I have often found them boxy and ill fitting – something is always a little bit off. For instance, in the case of this white and green tropical printed Farm Rio romper: I loved the way it looked on the Saks website but when I tried it on: the style fell short (as in: not flattering).
Granted the mirror selfie below isn’t the best photo but the straps kept falling – they were too long and the fit gave no definition for my body at all.

Farm Rio items aren’t super expensive but they arn’t exactly cheap either: so I thought I would share my opinion of them so you, as the consumer, could make your own decision on buying a piece.
It’s always nice to know how something fits before purchasing it and just to have some intel in general.
My advice: make sure you can return where ever you buy from!
If you are hell bent on getting a Farm Rio item and trying the brand yourself: I’d start with the Farm Rio sale via the Nordstrom Anniversary sale: they have a few dresses that are included in the sale and you can always return to Nordstrom!

Farm Rio is mostly known for it’s colorful summer dress that are perfect for a resort or Hawaiian vacation but the brand now has some gorgeous dresses for fall!
Dresses with rich floral patterns, long sleeves and belted at the waist: these are the perfect dresses to wear for your fall wardrobe!
Go from summer to fall in auburn, red, and tan tones!
Shop dresses for fall now!
Farm Rio Overview:
Price Range: $150-$350
How does Farm Rio fit: true to size (maybe even a little large).
So tell me – have you tried Farm Rio? What do you think?
Try it for yourself!
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