4 Optimistic Concepts on my Birthday

Today: January 25th, 2019 is my 34th birthday. Since my boyfriend and I broke up, I haven’t given celebrating my birthday much thought (well except for buying these balloons and taking photos…doing it for the ‘gram!).


A month ago, I assumed, I would be celebrating my birthday with him. (Facebook even sent me one of those memories reminding me that he had posted a photo of us, a year ago, wishing me a “Happy Birthday.” Just what my emotional psyche needed — ugh.)

Since the break up and the sudden change in my life, I have been thinking about how quickly a year goes by and just how much can happen in that time. It’s a hard concept to rationalize – especially considering my current mindset.  Last year, I wrote a blog post on the lessons that I learned in my early 30’s — I wrote that from a highly optimistic point of view. I was embarking on a new life, in Los Angeles, with a new and special person.

The idea of a new life was exciting and daunting all at the same time.  Which, if I think about it now, I am not too far from the mindset I was in last year.   Today: I am embarking on a new life and I am excited and scared.  Often the excitement is less than the scared part and I know, soon, I will be able to say the opposite is true.

To keep my spirits up on my birthday (and everyday) I am living by these 4 mantras:

Keep your eyes open for opportunity: 

As jaded as I feel at times, I never want to let my opportunistic spirit go.

Find comfort in simple things:

Walking my dog, my morning coffee, a good conversation.

Do what makes you feel good:

The self care concept has really come into play here (and thank you to so many of you for reminding me of that). 

Embrace your feelings:

Good and bad moments come and go, I try to embrace the good and savor it because it can be gone in an instant.  The pain and the hurt feelings are harder to handle but I try to remind myself not to dwell.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to wish me a “Happy Birthday!” The support is especially invaluable this year.


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