Shelter in Place: 10 Activities
In the Bay Area and all of California we have essentially been under an edict called “shelter in place” since March 16th. This week, we learned that we will be sheltering in place until May 3rd. Wow. It’s a lot to take in and of course has huge implications on many people’s lives.
I have been lucky enough to continue to work, not just for my blog but for my family business: Mr. Plastics. Which I have worked for full time for about a year now (and was freelancing prior to full-time). We have been lucky to be able to support our community that is on the front lines battling COVID-19 by supplying hospitals, grocery stores and more with items they need to protect themselves.
Since I am still going to work everyday from 8am-5pm, M-F I have been able to maintain a semblance of normal life: however after work and on the weekends, the feeling of shelter in place really does kick in. No restaurants, no visit with friends or evenings out. No brunch. Brunch! However, as dreary and bleak as it is right now there are a lot of ways to stay entertained while sheltering at home.

Here are 10 Shelter in Place Activities
1. Get creative with social media
Social distancing certainly does not mean you can’t get down with social media! Whether you are a blogger (me), an influencer or Instagram star or just a regular social media consumer, you can always get creative. Create content: try a new platform (Hello Tik Tok!), become a part of the conversation — any conversation really.
2. Spring Cleaning
This is actually a great activity right now — I have never cleaned my place so much as I have during this shelter in place time. Besides cleaning: I am also organizing. Yes, the mundane task that always gets put aside. Well now is the time to sort through those closets!
3. Take a long walk or run or home work out class
Go on a walk with your dog or a family member. Roo’s dog walks have for sure gotten longer and more frequent. I have also gotten into some great home work out routines from Alo Moves (first 14 days are free!).
4. Cook
Social media has me thinking that everyone is going to come out of this quarantine a professional baker or a 5 star Michelin chef. I have even been cooking more than ever. (Although I am still partial to take out and easy meals.)
5. Work on a side hustle
This is a great time to put some work into a hobby that you might want to develop into more than a hobby. I used to make jewelry and while I was doing some spring cleaning/organizing a couple of weeks ago: I found my jewelry kit and made some lovely pieces! It was time consuming and fun!
6. Watch all the shows
The show Tiger King is just as ubiquitous as Covid19 at this point. If you haven’t watched Tiger King yet, you have most certainly heard of it. So start with that show and continue the binge watching. I have been watching Schitt’s Creek as well — hilarious.
7. Read
A good book with a glass of wine or a cocktail is a great way to spend an evening. Since my commute to work is done by driving I have no time to read anymore. So this is a good time to finally finish a book!
8. Virtual Hangs
I think I am “hanging out” with my friends now via Zoom more than I ever have before! Zoom is a lot of fun because you can change your background! Lately, I have been in Santa Barbara, Stockholm (Sweden) and Zaragosa (Spain)…virtually of course!
9. Order Food In
Get your favorite take out and either hang out with a friend virtually or have dinner with a family member. (I have been hitting up In ‘n Out quite a bit.)
10. Get on the Dating Apps
Single? Go on the dating apps! This is the best case dating scenario: you can chat with whomever without having to do the work and set up a date! HA! Also, try out “travel mode” and match with people who live in different cities…why not? Not like you can meet up with them anyways…
How have you been spending this shelter in place and quarantine time?
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[…] year, I also wore a suit: funnily enough, while in Vegas (so happy I got that trip in before Covid took over […]