Mental Health During COVID-19

This one took me a little while to write. Partly, because I was nervous to write so candidly about mental health during Covid-19 and partly because I haven’t been motivated. Which is tough.

covid19 and mental health

Losing motivation is one of the worst by products of this whole shelter in place and quarantine period.

I have a lot of different opinions and thoughts on the quarantine and how long it should go on for, etc but I’m not writing this to share those thoughts exactly.

I’m writing to talk about something that I think a lot of people are dealing with right now: mental health during Covid-19.

Most people deal with their mental health in many ways. In a regular day, week or month: I have normal distractions and coping mechanisms. With the quarantine: much of that has gone away and it can take a toll on your well being. You start to think too much, revisit feelings that were mainly healed or maybe your usual day to day happiness or satisfaction has dissipated. (Which for me, has been the most dangerous of them all.)

I suppose, I never realized how much I cope day to day with my simple but fulfilling routine. A visit to the gym (plus my favorite smoothie after!), a weekend away, a reunion or party with friends, or a date with a new (has virtual dating been working for you guys?!).

All of last year, I felt I was coping each day to find happiness and move on my from a relationship that had a large impact on me. Earlier this year, I had some great plans that I was actually was able to see through: my birthday trip to Vegas a fantastic trip to Santa Barbara (a road trip can be so cathartic) and lots of hanging out with friends.

As Covid19 became a very real threat here in the US and Governor Gavin Newsom instituted the shelter in place order, everyone’s life changed abruptly and dramatically.

As I go about my new lifestyle, I realize this is much bigger than I am but I do feel there will be other consequences from shelter in place. That of your mental health and well being can also suffer short and long term consequences. I cope everyday and work hard to find small moments of joy and hope. I also consider myself very lucky: as I have a job and family to rely on but no matter what: it’s a difficult time for everyone.

Tell me how you’re feeling during this time?

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