Instagram Round-Up: Flowers, Sweets, and Hanukkah!

Manhattan’s Flower District

Most cities have a flower district and New York City is no exception!  If you’re organizing a party or just want fresh flowers for your apartment, nothing can beat a bunch of fresh flowers from Manhattan flower district.  Tucked between Broadway and 6th Ave on 27th and 28th street you can grab some flowers and a coffee around the corner from the newly remodeled Eventi Hotel!

Stop and smell the's Thursday! #TGIT

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Bryant Park Winter Village

Bryant Park has a fabulous Winter Village which is sponsored by Bank of America and it has a plethora of shops and food with a huge ice skating rink right in the middle and a grand Christmas Tree adjacent.  I stopped by it last week to stroll and couldn’t pass up trying Belgium fries and some churros with chocolate.  YUM!  If you’re visiting NYC or live/work here–make sure to take a stroll there this winter for some great treats!

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Bryant Park Winter Village

Bryant Park Winter Village

Bryant Park Winter Village

Nespresso in Bed!

I just got a Nespresso machine for my apartment and it has been heaven!  I find myself not leaving the house and just having a coffee in bed on the weekends (as seen below) and also a quick espresso before work.  Best part about the machine?  I didn’t pay for it!  When you have a 50% off coupon and a nosy, random New Yorker named Jeff sees you at Bloomingdale’s carrying it around, you end up with a free machine!  Man knows a deal when he sees one and so do I!  Shout out to Jeff!

Nespresso Machine

Happy Belated Hanukkah!

I had a fabulous 8 nights celebrating Hanukkah.  This picture is from the third night celebration I attended at Sutton Place Synagogue (a great congregation for young Jews!).  If you’re looking for some belated gift ideas for Hanukkah or for the upcoming holidays take a look at my Holiday Gift Guide.

Instagram round up

I hope you enjoyed these little snippets from my day-to-day life and more to come next week!  Make sure you are following me on Instagram as well to see these pic in real-time!