So Why Won’t He Shut Up?

The new Vanity Fair this month has posed an excellent question: one I certainly want the answer to.  See the cover below:

Why can’t he shut up?  Alec Baldwin has been making waves with the media the last few weeks with his erratic behavior toward the paparazzi. Let’s be honest, Alec is a perfect candidate for anger management. Albeit, the paparazzi are not exactly subtle but this is a man who infamously screamed at his daughter, Ireland, via a voice message and was also kicked off a plane for refusing to shut down his iPad because he was involved in a very ‘serious’ game of “Words with Friends.”  He then proceeded to tweet about the incident and blame the airline for their rude behavior and lampoon the incident on SNL.  I believe puerile was the word he was trying to spell when he got kicked off the plane;  lucky for him you don’t have to know what the words mean to play that game.

Now in his most patronizing move, he was photographed walking down the NYC streets with a sheet over his head so as to make some sort of statement.

After reading the article in Vanity Fair I now know what has Alec’s boxers in a bunch: he’s gone dry!  No more alcohol for the man.  Oy Vey.

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