Jennifer Aniston is Still Alive!

Well the word on the street-and by street I mean Twitter, E News, OBVS-is that Brad finally put a ring on it!  No Jennifer Aniston did not die for this to come to fruition: I was shocked too.  It has been long known that their out-of-wedlock children have been pushing them to get hitched ever since they saw Shreck and Fiona make it right; green ogres are so persuasive:  I once went looking for a talking donkey side kick that sounded like Eddie Murphy.  So after years of adopted children, one Shiloh (she’s her own entity), twins, a bad action movie called Mr. and Mrs. Smith, one teary eyed Jennifer Aniston, and lots and lots of drama we arrive at an engagement.  Normally I am not such a fan of Angelina Jolie but I have to say I am glad Brad is finally going to make an honest woman out of her (I mean its been long enough). 

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