Things to do in Buñol, Spain (Home to La Tomatina)

Buñol, Spain is a small town outside of Valencia, Spain – about 40 minutes by car and it is a very special place to me on a personal level because I am half Spanish and I have family there!

Beyond having family there – I have realized it’s such a rich town with so much to offer like its most famous event: La Tomatina in Buñol, Spain – which is the well-known tomato festival that takes place the last Wednesday of every August.

Buñol, Spain

La Tomatina has been happening for years and tourist from all over the world come to experience this wild tomato fight that happens in the narrow streets of Buñol.

Do you need Tickets to La Tomatina?

Yes – Since Covid – the rules of La Tomatina have changed a bit and there is a need for a ticket. I suggest checking out the official website of festival here and see all the updated rules.

La Tomatina also happen during a week long celebration in Spain called: Las Ferias where there are parties all night, peallas cooked in the streets, fireworks and more!

La Tomatina

This is a photo of my cousin David and I after we participated in “La Tomatina” in 2009!

How to get to Buñol?

Buñol has a great train system and you can take a 45 minute train from any of the stations in Valencia – it’s an easy trip and Buñol is easy to walk around once you’re there – it’s quite small!

The closest airport to Buñol is the Valencia airport – which is easy to navigate and you can easily take a taxi from there or get to the train station from the metro (which goes directly to the airport).

Just because the tomato fight is arguably what this little country town in Spain is mainly known for doesn’t mean there isn’t so much more to do there!

The town has its own castle to explore (what town in Spain doesn’t have a castle?!) and beautiful waterfalls called: Turche Cave – check these out in the summer because it is so hot there that time of year!

Buñol has a gorgeous main street and a little ayuntamiento plaza (center or main plaza) – it’s curving streets are easy to navigate and offer so much Spanish charm.

Try out Buñol as a day trip from Valencia and be sure to check out La Tomatina if you happen to be there that time of year!

Buñol Spain
Buñol Spain
Buñol Spain
Bunol Spain
small streets in Buñol Spain
seafood paella in Spain
Arroz al horno
Buñol Spain

What to Wear in Spain this Summer:

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