Christmukkah Chic
Christmukkah Chic: the perfect alliteration. You’re welcome. Ok — so I have been MIA on my blog for a few weeks: mainly because I was travelling in Sweden and there hasn’t been a lot of time to post! Well, I am back and hoping to get in at least a couple more post by the end of the year and also fill everyone in on my trip.

But first: it’s a true Christmukkah this year: the term coined by Seth from The OC in which he refers to the overlapping of Christmas and Hanukkah as Christmukkah.
Hanukkah starts on the evening of December 22nd and last 8 nights, which means Xmas is smack dab in the middle!
This year, I got very ambitious and got my own tree! The last two years, I did have a tree but this the is first time ever doing it on my own: in my own place. There’s something really gratifying about that. I wasn’t getting it to please anyone else, or experience it with someone, just for me to enjoy each night (and Roo of course!). Come Sunday we will have the Hanukkah candles lit as well and I may even try my hand at making latkes — I know, it’s a lot. What can I say: I’m into it!
How are you spending the holidays?
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