Beverly Hills 90120 is Back!

Oh it’s a good time to be a Beverly Hills 90210 fan! I have been so wrapped up, literally in my new duster, from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale that I haven’t posted about my sheer and utter excitement for the new 90210 which has been rebranded at BH90210.
When I first heard about it: I was really surprised they were doing it and really interested all at the same time. Although, initially Shannen Doherty hadn’t signed on and neither had Luke Perry: who sadly and suddenly passed away in March just as BH90210 was given the green light.
With Luke’s passing, Shannen officially decided to join the reboot and we had the original cast of Beverly Hills 90210 as part of the show (even Andrea and no she’s not 70 yet and she actual has a thriving career as the SAG President!).
As they started filming in Vancouver — because Jason Priestly is Canadian? (I know it’s cheaper!) — we learned more and more about the plot and that the actors would be playing heightened versions of themselves (not their characters) mixed in with throwbacks from the show.
There have been Emily Valentine sightings (played by actress Christine Elise), Carol Potter cameos (Cindy Walsh: Brandon and Brenda’s Mom — but where’s Jim?!) and even Denise Richards joined the cast. (I guess she’s doing this in The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills off season!)
I am getting really excited to watch the reboot and see what they do with the concept and since this is my time for my 90210 fan flag to fly I am going to the Peach Pit pop up in LA (look out for pics from there). I am also going to do a video recap of each episode after it airs!
So excited to see the gang on TV again! Are you going to watch?