90210 Turns 30!
Beverly Hills 90210 turned 30 years old over the weekend (I was 5 when the show premiered, so I didn’t exactly start watching on this day back in 1990). However, I am a 90210 “stan” and once it was on my radar (say 1996 or so, I was hooked). My elementary school teachers even suggested I probably not watch such an adult show at only 11 years old as I was taking to copying their hair style and fashion at school.

I remember the first episode I watched: when it was actually on the air. The 90210 gang went to Palm Springs (season 5 finale, not from the high school years).
Donna gets pushed down the stairs by her boyfriend Ray Pruit (ugh, I think we all have opinions about him!). Tiffani Amber Thiessen was already on the show, Shannen Doherty aka Brenda Walsh, had unceremoniously exited the show (which fans, lately have learned a lot about more recently; seems to be all water under the bridge). The show had long been a hit and the college years were proving to be just as popular as the high school ones.
Being the fan that I am: I have some great moments where I met some of the actors from the show.
I met Luke Perry in 2012 at an US Weekly event in NYC, Ian Ziering in LA at a Fab, Fit, Fun Christmas party (Tori Spelling was there too).

Vincent Young outside of then Hollywood hot spot “Area.” (The Hills cast also frequented that club.) And going to the Peach Pit pop up in LA, last summer when they were promoting the reboot: BH90210.
Memories aside: it’s the show that really resonates with me. I love re-watching the show every few years. When I discovered that 90210 was replaying on Hulu: I started to watch again and each time in my life, I see the show from a different perspective. I think a lot of the themes and storylines hold up. Of course, the show had its moments and some would say it “jumped the shark” long before its Season 10 finale episode. (David and Donna tie the knot!) However, I still appreciate it for being on the air for that long and also influencing me for many years of my life, even to this day.

Last night: I stayed up listening to the Beverly Hills Show Podcast all about the show with executive producers: Charles Rosin and Larry Mollin, main actors, and many of the guest stars. It just gets me every time. I love the nostalgia of it and the how those characters: Brandon, Brenda, Kelly, Steve, Dylan, Andrea, David and Donna will always be in my mind just as they were on the show.

Any other 90210 fans out there: what’s your favorite part of the show?
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