3 Ways to Handle Change
I have currently been undergoing a few changes in my life: new city, new job, new apartment, new relationship status (only a few right!) and this kind of change wouldn’t be a first for me. I’ve faced these kinds of changes before. Some of the change has been expected and some unexpected. Both have their good and bad parts but in general I have always enjoyed change and welcomed it. Seeing it as a way to have new experiences, meet new people and even live more deeply.
However, the changes I have experienced lately have been tough and hard to find the path to clarity. So how does one deal with the ups and downs of change while trying to keep moving forward? Of course, I don’t have the perfect answer and my outlook is always a work in progress but since I have been in the midst of these large changes I have leaned on these 3 ways to handle change.
Here are 3 ways to handle change:
1. Find comfort in the steadfast parts of your life:
So maybe you moved to a new city, started a new job or started a new relationship (or ended one) you can still count and take comfort in the steadfast parts your life. For me: that would be family, friends and my dog. Even if family and friends live far away (which can often be the case), you can Face Time and talk on the phone to keep in touch. It’s always very grounding to talk to familiar voice or have a routine call with your parents or a close friend. If you have an animal (like I do!) having that sweet creature to have fun with can be all the difference. (Emotional Service Animal anyone?!)
2. Prepare yourself (for expected and even unexpected change):
I have moved to new cities many times and I have also changed jobs a few times. (Although I am happy to say my blog is the longest job I have had – 7 years now!). In any event, every time I knew I was moving to a new city or starting a new job: there still was a huge adjustment period for which I never seemed to be prepared.
In 2017, I left NYC to start a new life in Los Angeles, and I truly never prepared myself for how difficult the transition would be.
I was always excited and I have no regrets about making that move. However, looking back I wish I had prepared myself for the tough parts and the times when the change wouldn’t always serve me.
Now that I am going through a similar change/transition — that was unexpected and also quite emotional – this time, I recognized the signs of what I was feeling much sooner and took action.
3. Embrace the good, bad and the ugly parts of change:
I’ve found letting myself have my down moments or moments of discomfort have helped me get to good moments and good days. Also, those good days are ones to enjoy and relish. Change can always bring those ups and downs so all you can really do is live in the moment. Which, I must admit, I am terrible at doing. I also have found that when I have pushed myself to accept an invitation or go somewhere new, even when I was not emotionally up for it, it has always lead to a good time or been a mood lifter. Sometimes you have to get out of your head and push yourself. You never know what kind of experience you’ll have!
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